
Time Capsule ~

Plastic recorder

The item that i propose contributing into a time capsule is a music instrument. I believes that everyone of us was familiar with this music instrument. This music instrument is call recorder.
Recorders can be made out of wood, plastic, or ivory. Usually the recorder that we use was made from plastic. This recorder is the first music instrument that I learned from primary school. After that, i try to learn another music instrument like guitar and keyboard. But for me, recorder was my first music instrument that inspire me a lot during my childhood. Because it really easy to learn by children. During my primary school, i still remember my teacher will taught us learn to play new one song for one week. When holding the recorder, I'm feel like musical! This is the best feeling ever because i can play the music and create a new song i want. When i was a child, I can't believe that a lot of inspiration can come out from my mind when playing recorder to create new music.

Wooden recorder

I believe that everyone of us also learned to play recorder when during our primary school. It really fun when you realize that recorder is your first music instrument that you learned. Now you can't say that you does no know how to play music instrument and never play it before. So I officially announce that you also a musical too!!

In the year 2120, recorder won't exist anymore. Many advanced instrument will replace old music instrument or..during that time, people won't play music anymore. Let just say,during that time music already disappear. No people care about how music express our life. I can imagine that it really a horrible world. So, when the time capsule opened, i hope this recorder can remind them don't forget the origin of music instrument and how music create a meaningful life.   

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