

I wanna talk about the film that I watched recently. “Ghostbuster”. Seriously, I love this film a lot. This film directed by Paul Feig. Staring by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as four women who start a ghost-catching business in New York City. This film is a mix genre film. It included horror and comedy genres. So this mix genres created a whole new feeling toward audience. We can find out several actor that staring in ghostbuster II 1989 which is Bill Murray as Martin Heiss, Dan Aykroyd as Cabbie, Sigourney Weaver as Rebecca Gorin, Ernie Hudson as Uncle Bill Jenkins, Annie Potts as Hotel Desk Clerk. This film has postmodernism elements. We able to find out a lot of postmodernistic elements in this film if we learn the theory of postmodernism. I admire that the filmmaker successful made a postmodernism film to audience nowadays.

Genre is has two approach, which is semantics and syntax. This two approaches need to work together hand in hand. Through this two approaches, we able to categories the genre of each film that we watched. Semantic element in the film is mise-en-scene. It is a cinematic language on screen by using characters, props, lighting, and composition etc. The approach of syntax is the qualities and the themes in the film. The syntax usually send the message to the audience.
Postmodernism is a theory of the film. Postmodernism is the way to challenge the system of the way of modernism. Previous film only one genre, but now had both genre or above.
The horror genre I can found in this film is the jump scare of the ghost. When some ghost came out, the audio will slowly fade out. This scene will make audience pay attention to watch. After that the ghost will suddenly shout out. The mise-en-scene that we can find out is the graphic of the ghosts. The eyes of the ghosts will glowing.
The comedy genre that we can find out is the conversation between four women that become ghostbuster. One of the dialog that Patty Tolan said when she want jump from the concert stage, nobody hold her so Patty fell down. She said “so I don’t know if this is race thing or lady thing. This dialog show that confuse of stereotype women or racist. The Kevin is the dumb guy. When Abby said don’t listen, but Kevin close his eyes instead of close his ear. But Kevin grab audience attention to watch because this is character for Chris Hemsworth. He is the Thor in avenge. But In ghostbuster, his act totally different way, this is new challenge for him. Another one scene is when the ghost slowly come out from door, the situation supposed to be scary and fear. But suddenly a cracker sound pop up from Jillian Holtzmann.
Postmodernistic elements I can found here is the movie use a lot of pastiche. The number of the car is ECTO-1. They pastiche the number car of previous car that in ghostbuster 1989. Next is the theme song of previous ghostbuster also used in this film. They recreate and remix now tempo to show the new feeling. One of the scene is when this four characters used the machine catch the ghost, their pose same like how previous ghostbuster pose to catch the ghosts.

I really surprise that this movie give respect to the previous ghostbuster. The previous character also will appear in this film although they not related to catch ghosts. (Oppsss, spoiler alert). Another thing that I realize is the feminism. This film main character is women. I show that why always men can catch ghosts. Women also can catch the ghost. In this film totally showed that women also can save the world. Nice !!

In conclusion, this movie brought new feeling to audience nowadays. Audience expect for watching new story line and entertainment in this film. This film successes to show to audience what they expect for. I recommend this movie to who still not watch yet. 

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